Overview of User rights

Campaign User Rights (for Campaign-only users)

Basic actions

These correspond to basic operations in the sections such as copy, cut and paste.



View all Data access — Refers to so-called super-user rights giving the user access to all, even without having specific rights defined on an object.

Filtering options — right to access the Filter designer for constraints (for example: in the properties of an Audience list)

Folders — right to access, modify, create and delete folders in the tree view of the different Campaign sections

Packages — Refers to the possibility to create packages of Campaign elements (such as journeys, forms), export these and import them in another environment for re-use. There are distinct rights for import, export and rollback.

Email analysis — access to email client preview (based on Litmus integration)

Allow editing of scripts — this refers to the possibility to edit JavaScripts in the Editor

Allow creating reports — right to check/uncheck the option 'Disable reporting on this list'

Allow Profile enrichment — right to create a social profile extension to download social data and store it

Cache refresh — access to the refresh option in the preview of an email



Access — right to use the Editor (on a global level)

Sending testmails — possibility to send test emails

Message access — access, create, read, modify and delete mail and page messages in the Editor

Webfolder — rights linked to the webfolder containing images that can be used in message design



Access — right to access Express

Sending testmails — possibility to send test emails

Edit HTML source — When creating an Express template in the Designer with article containers, fields can be added to such a container. One of the possible types of fields is HTML. Checking this user right will allow the user to edit the HTML source of the field from within Express.

Journeys — Defines the right to change the audience, delete journeys and launch an Express journey.

Delete articles — right to remove articles from article containers



Access Form

Modify Form

Delete Form

Publish Form — right to put the form online

Enable HTML screening — When the option is enabled, a restriction is applied to the HTML tags that can be used.



Access — right to access and use Journeys

Sending testmails — Possibility to perform tests from within a journey, such as sending test emails.

Journeys — Create, read, modify, delete journeys and test and validate these. Extra right to launch journeys and do audience validation. The latter, audience validation, allows a user only to launch a journey after an audience validation has been performed. This validation returns, when launching the journey, the number of contacts in the audience. It is only available for journeys with scheduled components.

Email delivery — access to the option 'Email delivery' after a right-click on an email in a journey

Components — Access to all components for use in journeys. An additional right is provided for forms in particular.

MRM — access to the MRM component in a Campaign journey



Access — access to Processes (in general)

Interface — right to access and modify the file and plugin interfaces (such as SMS, print, crm connector)

Exports — Provides access right to the Export entry in Processes with the possibility to create, modify and execute exports.

Tasks — includes access to the Tasks entry in Processes (data import and export, and stored procedure)



Access — access to the planning entry

Communication cadence — access to the communication cadence. This tool allows handling communication cadence over multiple journeys, multiple channels and multiple audience lists.

Planning — one right to allow planning of journeys in time



Access — access to the Audience & Lists entry

Segments — Rights to access segments on lists and create, modify and delete them.

Design — Rights to create, modify, delete lists and manage indexes.

Data — Refers to the possibility to query the lists and view, modify and delete the data within.



Access — access to the configuration entry

User Management access — Access, create, modify and delete users and groups and their user rights for the different tools and functionalities.

Asset right access — possibility to access and modify the rights defined for the different assets (lists, exports, tasks)

Role management access — right to access and manage roles and assign these to users

Namespaces — Right to access, create and modify namespaces used for translations.

Languages — Create and modify the languages in the Translations entry of the configuration, manage translations.

Webfolder management access — Access to the webfolder entry and create, modify and delete webfolders, used to store images and other assets used by the Campaign tools.

SMTP rules access — Related to MTA configuration, right to create SMTP rules.

Mail domain access — Related to MTA configuration, right to create the mail domains. A specific right is available to allow users to manage certificates for email accounts. This right needs to be checked if the user must be able to upload and link a certificate to an email account thus enabling the digital signature function for this account.

Technical note: Email authenticity is in some cases vital, especially in business sensitive communication. By digitally signing emails, contacts can verify that an email message really comes from the indicated 'From address' and that no changes have been made to the message content since it was sent. To allow a digital signature a certificate needs to be linked to the account. If changes would be made to the content during the transfer, the signature will break and the recipient is alerted.

System settings access — All pure system related settings are configured from within this dialog (for instance for the campaign agent, job agent, pop agent, reporting, etc), accessible through the Manager menu.

Gates access — view and create gates used in Campaign journeys

Tracker access — access to the definition of Campaign third party or custom trackers

Option list access — right to access the option lists from within the Translations entry

Websensor — possibility to create web sensors and manage web sensors used by the tracking mechanism

Taxonomy — right to create and update taxonomy lists and tags and define access rights

Category — Access to the definition of categories used for journeys, messages, sensors and page journeys.

Product — right to manage products

MTA configuration — access to the complete configuration of the MTA

Advanced scripting:

  • Execute Protected mode — Create (simple) queries (SQL statements) and execute them one by one.
  • Execute Advanced mode — Create and execute (advanced) queries (SQL statements). In Advanced Mode, multiple queries can be executed at once. Another difference with Protected Mode is that some queries require the SHOWPLAN permission to work, which is only available in Advanced Mode.

Registered stored procedures — Right to create and manage stored procedures, for example used by Tasks.

CRM Connector Instance — right to manage CRM connector instances for integration with CRM applications

Social Apps — Access and creation, modification and deletion rights for social apps, used in the social integration with Facebook, Twitter and Janrain.



Access — this gives access to the status entry in the Navigator with an overview of active journeys and incidents



Access — access to the Site solution

Create/Modify (re)targeting journeys — gives access to the property '(re)targeting' when creating a journey



Automation — Users created for broadcast or individual automation, need this explicit right. A normal Campaign user cannot be attributed this right, else they will no longer be able to login into the application.



Launch modules — right to launch Campaign from the portal

Contact Details — right to view the details of the contacts in an Audience list

Custom Reports — right to access and modify custom reports

Pivot Access — access to pivot tables and their definition

System status — access to reporting related to the environment

The reporting rights are split up to give access to the different tabs in the Reporting on the portal.


Authentication API Access

This is a user right required for the CRM integration. A technical account is linked to this right and allows accessing Selligent from within the CRM environment.

Note: A user can only belong to one group. Administrators can see all data, no matter how the group-rights are configured.


Engage User Rights (for Engage/Campaign hybrid users or Engage-only users)

For the Engage user rights, please consult the Engage Permissions topic.